Il Programma è incompleto in quanto alcuni eventi sono ancora in fase di definizione. A breve verranno aggiunti


Il programma consiste in una serie di webinar che offrono un’analisi dei sistemi di fatturazione elettronica in diversi Paesi. Ogni sessione è condotta da un esperto nazionale, che illustra una panoramica dettagliata della situazione della fatturazione elettronica nel proprio Paese, descrivendo le normative e le pratiche in vigore. L’obiettivo principale è fornire ai partecipanti una comprensione approfondita delle dinamiche e delle sfide relative alla fatturazione elettronica in contesti internazionali, mettendo in evidenza anche gli obblighi futuri, come quelli previsti dalla proposta ViDA (VAT in the Digital Age) dell’Unione Europea.

Tutti i webinar si tengono in lingua inglese.


The programme is currently being finalised and will feature a series of webinars focused on the eInvoicing frameworks and practices across various countries.

Each session will be led by an expert from the respective country, offering a detailed analysis of local eInvoicing regulations, current practices, and emerging trends. The primary objective is to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and challenges of eInvoicing in an international landscape, while also spotlighting upcoming obligations, such as those outlined in the European Union’s ViDA (VAT in the Digital Age) proposal. All webinars will be conducted in English and will include a Q&A session, providing practical guidance on navigating new regulatory requirements.

Webinar inclusi nel programma

Aggiungi tutti in Agenda
The webinar offers an in-depth exploration of the latest developments in the ViDA (VAT in the Digital Age) initiative. Led by Agustín Míguez Pérez, Policy Officer at the European Commission Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, Value Added Tax, this session provides key updates on r...
The webinar explores the regulatory complexities, operational practices, and specific challenges of electronic invoicing in Greece with our expert speaker. This session will offer an in-depth view of compliance requirements, technological advancements, and future prospects for e-invoicing in the Gre...
The webinar explores the regulatory complexities, operational practices, and specific challenges of electronic invoicing in Germany with our expert speaker. This session will offer an in-depth view of compliance requirements, technological advancements, and future prospects for e-invoicing in the Ge...
Join our expert speaker for a deep dive into the regulatory complexities, operational practices, and key challenges of electronic invoicing in Belgium. This webinar will provide valuable insights into compliance requirements, technological advancements, and future developments shaping the Belgian e-...

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Martina Vertemati

Martina Vertemati

Acquisti e abbonamenti Da Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 09 alle 18
Alessia Barone

Alessia Barone

Assistenza Da Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 09 alle 18

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Navigating eInvoicing worldwide: country profiles and expert insights (2025)

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