In Italy, 2014 was a lively year for mobile payment & commerce. Mobile remote payment & commerce still remains the main source of value in this market, with transactions worth 2.2 billion Euros in 2014, a growth of 55% (1.2 billion Euros in 2013). Mobile remote commerce of goods and services has grown in terms of offer (+47% for the merchant offer compared to 2013) and in terms of transactions (+57% compared to 2013). The number of mobile remote payment services sensibly increased in 2014, driven in particular by services linked to mobile devices (parking, TLP ticketing, car sharing, taxis), up by 73% over the year. In the sector of mobile proximity payment & commerce, NFC has become the preferred technology for proximity/contactless payments and, as a consequence, the first commercial launches based on the SIM-based ecosystem have been taking place. In Italy, banks and telephone operators launched their own SIM-based mobile payment solutions (known also as “mobile wallets”), consolidating the infrastructure ...
- What are the market dynamics and demand of Mobile Remote Payment & Commerce services?
- What types of Mobile Payments & Commerce services are already available in Italy?
- What happened on the supply of Mobile Proximity Payment Services in 2014?
- How is the Italian SIM-Based chain evolving?
- What are the most interesting examples of Mobile Payments & Commerce services available on the Italian market?
- Scope of the analysis
- Mobile Remote Commerce
- Mobile Remote Payment
- Mobile Proximity Payment & Commerce.